Question arises on the Protests during the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) & National Citizenship Register (NCR) etc. in 2019?

Why ? our indian youth goes to astray due to some misleading statements of vote politics and ruine our cultural forte of Peace  and involve as a surge violence without  understanding the things.

Unfortunately, a 21st century where we have entered in 2020, our indian youth is going so agressive due to some misleading statements of vote politics and take the decision in so early manner only having the belief on the rumours trending on the digital platform.

Due to which many questions arise in my mind as an indian and a law teacher that whether it is our cultural inheritance ? Have we not lose our Patience ? Is this not a big question that anyone can astray us to use by some misguided fake news trending on the digital mode ? Is it not our duty to analyse those as its own before making a wrong perception in our mind and evict the misleading facts done by miscreants from our society and thrive the brotherhood ?

Last days, many political activities done in our country and many important decisions have been taken an initiative by our Indian Government, whether it is a fast trial of AYODHYA Case, resolving the Jammu and Kashmir Problem, or having the CITIZENSHIP AMENDMENT ACT, 2019. All of the things have done by the indian government very caustiously. The result is that the AYODHYA and Jammu-Kashmir issues have resolved successfully by the indian government after managing some initial problems. But the misleading facts going on trending to the digital mode regularly in the other areas of india regarding the both for the vote politics. And the results were seeing soon, when a Protest was started in the Central Universities by the students against the fee increased. Perhaps no one knows, why and how it was become violent and turned up as the campaigning of against CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act) or NRC (National Register of Citizens).

It’s seems the growing impatience and lack of positive aggression among the students or indian youth. It clearly shows the youth were not going to understand the burning issues on its own and make the illusions in their mind by the digital dependency which is used in the name of ‘Freedom of Speech’ by some miscreants or political leaders many times. I am not against the use of ‘Freedom of Speech’, but it’s a questionable manner to think that what the way we have used this freedom. Is it in favor of our nation or turned on the way of objectionable approach under which miscreants are being worked to ruine our culture of Peace and non-violence ?

It’s time to re-think for the indian youth that while we have entered to 21st century, how could we tried to digitalize our country fast and how could it presented us internationally in united form on digital platform  and remit these negative rumours from where our society becomes astray sometimes based on religions and casteism ? Why we are not trying to use this digital era into a positive mode and how could we accept it as the early growth of our nation ? It’s very unfortunate that after earned the lot of education, why our educational universities are fetched into the petty political issues which turn into violence many times ? And students forget the vision to earn education through which they could serve the nation. Instead of it, they are used as the weapons by miscreants due to their misguided digital dependency.

So, beware and thinks not to have puppet of the others and use their intellectual things which you have achieved after having a lot of education. Think, is it in favor of our nation or not which is doing by you in the name of ‘Freedom of Speech’ or ‘Equality of law’ ? And if when think out of the box using through your independent intellectuallcy, you will find the answers and all aspects of everything. Then, you can decide yourself which will be the right way of using the phrase of ‘Freedom’, i.e. to take decision on its own without any inducement which will also be beneficial for the nation building.